There are numerous opportunities throughout the year to support the Chicago Advertising Federation’s signature events as part of a customized sponsorship package. These events celebrate the dynamic and vibrant Chicago ad community, while offering brand exposure for your organization and networking opportunities for your employees. Here’s more on the signature events available for sponsorship.
- The Silver Medal Award honors a distinguished member of the Chicago ad community for their accomplishments and contributions to advertising.
- The American Advertising Awards celebrate the wonderful, inspiring, creative work being done here in Chicago.
- Career Day is a full day for college students and career changers to learn about advertising.
- Ad Woman of the Year recognizes a woman who has made significant contributions in the field of advertising.
- Hot Seat Panels and Innovation Showcases provide insight around important topics facing today’s ad professionals.
- The DTLC Summer Mixer is overflowing with energy, drawing a diverse crowd from every corner of the industry—brands, agencies, media companies, platforms, martech, and more.